Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is considered to be one of the greatest writers of the English language and is known internationally. He was able to catch the feeling of everyday life on the streets of London and elsewhere in Victorian England.  The characters in his stories were not rich or famous, but poor and hungry people who lived on the street.
Dickens the boy
His Family lived in London, Dickens had eight brothers and sisters, but life was quite hard because his father was often in debt. His father had a good job as a naval clerk, but he often spent more money than he earned. Charles was good at school and his teachers thought he was very clever. But when Charles was only eleven years old, his father and all the family were sent to prison for debts. Therefore Charles had to go and work in a factory washing bottles. Life was miserable, he had to work ten hours a day and walk six kilometres to work every day. The experience was so bad, that Charles never forgot it and wrote about it in Oliver Twist and David Copperfield.
His Early Years
At the age of sixteen Charles went to work for a newspaper, then later became a journalist for


the Morning Chronicle. He became famous with a series of short stories Sketches by Boz, and  The Pickwick Papers. These stories, were funny descriptions of the people he met travelling around England. The characters he described were always full of life and colour. His books became very popular in many countries and he travelled a lot to: Italy, America and Switzerland. Some of his most famous books are: A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist and Hard Times just to mention a few.
Dickens the person
Though Dickens was a famous writer and had ten children, his family life was not very happy and he separated from his wife. He continued to write and travel until he suddenly died in 1870.