Future Going to

Use of Going To:

The future Going to is used to describe an action or an intention that has been planned before the moment of speaking (a premeditated decision in the future). It is also used when the speaker can see the natural result of a situation in the future.

  • planned actions in the future

We are going to play guitar at the party.

  • You are certain that sth. is going to happen in the future (logical consequence).

Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain.


to be (am, are, is) + going to + infinitive

Affirmative form

Long formsContracted forms
I am going to cook Indian food.I‘m going to cook Indian food.
You are going to cook Indian food.You‘re going to cook Indian food.

Negative form

Long formsContracted forms
I am not going to cook Indian food.I‘m not going to cook Indian food.
You are not going to cook Indian food.You‘re not going to cook Indian food.
You aren’t going to cook Indian food.

Interrogative form

Long formsContracted forms
Am I going to cook Indian food?not possible
Are you going to cook Indian food?

Be carefull!
Do not confuse the future going to with Present Continuous for the future!

Future Going toFuture Continuous
He‘s going to go to the party.He‘s going to the party next week.