a Letter Home

26, Berret High Street
Liverpool BN6 8QB
24th June

Dear Angela,
How are you? I’m very well. Here is my first letter in English. It is good practice for both of us!
I am doing English classes at the Rushford English School, I’m in a class with nine students from many different countries: Thailand, Chile, Russia and Italy. The teacher’s name is Susan, she is a very nice person and a very good teacher, but the course is very difficult and we have a lot of homework. Unfortunately the school isn’t near my house, so I have to catch the bus in the morning.
I live with an English family in a small house near the stadium. Richard and Zoe, are very friendly they have a daughter and two sons. Their daughter Mary, is studying design at college. Their younger son Mike who is 18, has just started working for a computer company in the centre of town, their oldest son David, lives with his wife and their daughter in London. Everybody here is very friendly, but sometimes it is not easy to understand them.
Liverpool is quite a big city and it is very exciting! The restaurants and bars, are very nice but quite expensive. Luckily, there are some very nice student bars that have live music. These bars are cheaper, so I usually meet my friends in these places at the weekend. It’s very cold here now, everybody is getting ready for Christmas there are many lights in the streets and people are doing a lot of shopping. I like it here but I miss the warmer weather, good Italian food and my friends!
Please write to me soon,
Big Hug