Mark's Day

Mark gets up at about 800 am, he has breakfast in the kitchen which is his favourite room in the house. He reads the daily news on his tablet and listens to music. After he goes upstairs has a shower and gets ready for work. Luckily his work is not very far away from his house, so it only takes him 10 minutes on his bike to get there. He enjoys cycling to work, especially in spring because he goes through the park. Mark usually arrives at the restaurant at 10.00, just before the first deliveries arrive. Then he prepares the kitchen to start work. The other kitchen staff arrive at about 10.30. During the morning they do the prep work for the day. They chop the herbs, slice the onions and mushrooms, prepare the fresh pasta and organise everything for lunch. The first customers arrive at 12.30, but the peak time is between 13.30 and 15.00. It can get very busy in the kitchen, especially on Fridays and Saturdays. The restaurant serves Italian food and is quite well known in the area, especially for its fresh pasta dishes. The restaurant is situated in the business district, so many people from the nearby offices come to eat at the restaurant on their lunch break. After lunch, Mark and the staff clean up the restaurant and make a list of ingredients they need for the next day. On Fridays and Saturdays, the Restaurant stays open for dinner, so they prepare the food for the evening session. On these days they finish work at 11.00 pm. During the week  Mark normally arrives home at 18.00, so on Tuesdays and Thursdays he goes to yoga classes at a Yoga studio near his house. On the other days of the week and Sundays, Mark likes to relax,

On these days they finish work at 11.00 pm. During week  i play the guitar and listen to music or watch a film in the evening. Sometimes in the evenings, he meets his friends for a drink, or they go to the local cinema. Sometimes they go for dinner but luckily not Italian.