My Vacation

Last Year in April, for my Easter holidays I went with my family to Florida. I think it was one of the best holidays of my life. We arrived in Miami after a very long flight from Rome, it was the first time that I spent so many hours on a plane, so when I arrived I felt very tired.
The next morning we rented a car and drove to Key West. The trip took four hours and was incredible, we drove over many very long bridges in the sea and many pelicans and seabirds were standing on the side of the road. Our hotel in Key West was very nice, it was on a very long beach with soft white sand and many palm trees. The water was crystal clear and very warm, with hundreds of brightly coloured tropical fish of all sizes, so I spent a lot of time swimming in the water with my mask, I even saw some dolphins from far away and a manatee, which is a very shy mammal that looks like a big seal, that lives in the warm waters of Florida. The hotel staff said there were also sharks in the area, but luckily I didn’t see any. In the evenings we had dinner on the beach, there were amazing red and orange sunsets and incredible shapes of the clouds and a lovely sea breeze. The food was really tasty, I ate lots of fruit, coconut, and grilled fish, especially shrimp. There were also many interesting things to do in the town centre, we visited art galleries, shops and the house where the famous writer Hemingway lived.
Time passed very quickly and soon it was already time to return home,  it was a great holiday I will always remember.