Future Continuous

Use of the Future Continuous:

The Future Continuous is used in a similar way to the Future Perfect  i.e. to project ourselves forward in the future (see Future Perfect). The main difference between the two forms is that the in the case of the Future Continous the action will be in still be in progress at a specific time in the future but not completed (Future Perfect). This tense can be seen as a present continuous but projected into the future. To be noted: like with all continuous forms, stative verbs can’t  be used (need, love, hate, adore etc. see Present Continuous) you can’t use  the future tenses Will, Going to express a future intention but do not express a future action in progress, that is why we use the Future Continuous.

  • To describe an action in progress at a specific time in the future

This time tomorrow, we will be travelling to Thailand.


Key words

  • At this time Tmrw.
  • Next Monday/week/month
  • On the 10th of August
  • Already


will + be + infinitive + ing

Affirmative form

Long formsContracted forms
I will be working untill 10 pm.
I‘ll be working untill 10 pm.
You will be playing football at this time Tmrw.
You’ll be playing football at this time Tmrw.
He will already be eating at 8.00pm.
Hell already be eating at 8.00pm.

Negative form

Long formsContracted forms
I will not be working untill 10 pm.
I won’t be working untill 10 pm.
You will not be playing football at this time Tmrw.
You won’t be playing football. at this time Tmrw.
He will not be sitting on a beach in the sun.
He won’t be sitting on a beach in the sun.

Interrogative form

Long formsContracted forms
Will he be working this time Tmrw?
not possible
Will they be driving to Gloucester next week ?
Will they be sittingon a beach in the sun next month?