List of Propositional Verbs


Argue aboutAsk aboutBe about
Boast aboutCare aboutComplain about
Decide aboutDream aboutForget about
Know aboutLaugh aboutProtest about
Think aboutWorry aboutWrite about


Aim atArrive atGlance at
Guess atHint atLaugh at
Look atMarvel atPeer at
Point atShout atSmile at
Stare atWink atWork at


Apologize forApply forAsk for
Care forCheck forFear for
Head forHope forLong for
Pay forPray forPrepare for
Scold forSearch forVote for
Wait forWish forWork for


Abstain fromBorrow fromCome from
Escape fromGraduate fromHide from
Prevent fromProhibit fromProtect from
Recover fromRescue fromResign from
Retire fromSave fromSeparate from
Stem fromSuffer fromWork from


Absorb inArrive inBe engrossed in
Believe inConfide inImplicate in
Involve inParticipate inResult in
Specialize inSucceed inTrust in


Accuse ofAprove ofAware  of
Consist ofConvince ofCure of
Deprived ofDisapprove ofDream at
Fond of Rid ofTired of
Remind ofSuspect ofThink of


Agree onBase onBe on
Blame onComment onConcentrate on
Congratulate onCount onDepend on
Elaborate onImpose onInsist on
Play onPride onRely on


Adapt toAdd toAgree to
Apologize toBelong toComplain to
Dedicate toHappen toLead to
Listen toObject toReact to
Refer toReply toSpeak to
Talk toTurn toTravel to


Agree withArgue withAssociate with
Begin withCoincide withCollide with
Collide withCompare withConfuse with
Complain withConfuse withCope with
Cover withDeal withDiscuss with
Help withMeet withTrust with