Present Perfect Simple

Use of the Present Perfect:

We use the Present perfect to describe an action or state that started in the past and continues to the present, when the action happened precisely in the past is not important and is not specified. This form is used a lot in questions about life experiences, when asking a third party.
 Note Important! if the time it is specified: last year, two months ago, yesterday etc, you must use the Past Simple)
  • an action in the past the past (not defined) with a consequence in the present

I have cooked dinner.

  • recently completed actions

He has just finished his homework.

  • a state that began in the past and continues to present

He has  lived in Rome  since 1990.

  • an action that starts in the past and continues to the present

I haven’t seen Mary for a long time.

  • When asking another person about life experiences

Have you ever eaten Japanese food?

Key words

  • Since
  • For
  • Recently
  • Never
  • Just
  • Yet
  • Already
  • Ever
  • So far

auxiliary verb have/has + past participle


 Affirmative form

Long formsContracted forms
I have lived in Rome for many years.I‘ve lived in rome for many years.
You have lived in Rome for many years.You‘ve lived in Rome for many Years.
He has lived in Rome for many years.He‘s lived in Rome for many years.

Negative form

Long formsContracted forms
I have not played rugby recently.I‘ve not played rugby recently.
I haven’t played rugby recently.
You have not played rugby recently.You‘ve not played rugby recently.
You haven’t played rugby recently.
He has not played rugby since Monday.He‘s not played rugby since Monday.
He hasn’t played rugby since Monday.

Interrogative form

Long formsContracted forms
Have I ever been to Madrid?
There are no contracted forms
Have you ever eaten Japanese food?
Has he ever eaten Japanese food?
Created on By Gene

short text

1 / 2

Maybe this might be the

2 / 2

well this might be different but we can try and see

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Created on By Gene


1 / 2

so far the others haven't arrived

2 / 2

How did he come and the others

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Created on By Gene

Check box

1 / 2

Where does he like

2 / 2

How do people like

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Created on By Gene


1 / 3

Please turn down the volume____

2 / 3

Her Brother lives in Thailand but I don't know what_____

3 / 3

He____on the 6.30 train from Manchester.

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Created on By Gene


1 / 2

where______he live?

2 / 2

is______in Rome at the moment

Your score is

The average score is 50%
